Our Shipping- & Service Prices
our prices are so good
there is no need to hide them!
Get our pricelists for Germany and Austria here
Price comparison
Shipping costs for a package from DE to AT
Here we show you one of many current price comparisons based on the example of the company Sendcloud.de.
Shipping-fees for parcels from Germany to Austria:
15 single parcels á 0,75 kg weight from DE to AT: 15 x 10,18 € = 152,70 €
Here the comparison:
Put the 15 single parcels in one overpack and send this overpack to one adress in Austria, to the adress of OnTheSpot. From here, the parcels will be delivered all over Austria. The costs for the overpack from Germany to Austria = 13,88 € this means for one of the 15 parcels, the price = 0,93 €. In addition, there are the €4.70 (shipping costs in Austria) so the total cost per individual package is €5.63
15 individual packs x €5.63 = €84.45
The price saving in the specific example is almost 45% or €68.25!!
PS: we didn´t calculate the monthly fee, which is is invoiced from sendcloud.de
Low shipping costs are important!
It is even better if there is also service
But service is just as important. We take care of all your questions about parcel shipping to Austria or Germany
- OnTheSpot is your one and only contact in all matters of your abroad shippings to Germany or Austria.
- Use our adress in Germany or Austria as your local returnsadress
- Management of the returns
- we collect your returns and send them in ONE overpack to your company
- Customerservice
These services are included in our prices